1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 5, 2021

#67 in #youtube

MIT license

267 lines


YouTube Music Statistics Generator


  1. Install the Rust toolchain
  2. cargo install youstat


  1. Go to Google Takeout
  2. Create a new export, you'll want to include My Activity, which itself should include YouTube. The activity record format should be JSON
  3. Wait for the Takeout to complete, then extract the generated ZIP file
  4. Create a new project in the Google developers console, create a new API token and enable the YouTube Data API v3
  5. Lastly, generate your statistics: youstat -i <Path to the generated My Activity.json file in the extracted ZIP> -k <Your API token>

Note: Optionally you can specify -y and -m too, use -h for more details on those


YouStat is licenced under the MIT license


~305K SLoC