#echo-server #testing #xwt #web-transport #networking #intended #wasm-compatible

bin+lib xwt-test-echo-server

The echo server to use for xwt testing. Not intended to be wasm-compatible

1 unstable release

0.2.0 Feb 2, 2024

#4 in #echo-server

MIT license

190 lines


a.k.a. xwebtransport and Cross WebTransport.

A common WebTransport interface for browser and native.

Work in progress. The project is slowly maturing.

You can still peek around, but be aware that I might force-push master occasionally.

If you don't mind that - feel free to join the fun right away!


The implementation of the echo server to use for xwt testing. Not intended to be wasm-compatible.


~136K SLoC