#run-time #risc-v


Experimental WebAssembly Runtime for RISC processors

1 unstable release

0.0.1 Feb 25, 2022

#147 in #web-assembly

Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR BSL-1.0

437 lines


Experimental WebAssembly Runtime for RISC processors.

Initially, wari will only target RISC-V. In the future, other processors may be targeted.

Runtime Stages

  1. Load module with parity_wasm::elements::Module::from_bytes()
  2. Get individual module sections
  3. Pass each section into a converter to RISC instructions
  4. Optimize instructions based on known patterns that can be simplified

Steps 1 & 2 can happen at the same time (loading function) as well as 3 & 4 (with a peekable iterator).

Testing With QEMU

