#protocols #client-server #ssh #daemon #communication #tunnels #stund


The client/server protocol used by the "stund" program

5 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.4 Dec 29, 2018
0.1.3 May 27, 2018
0.1.2 May 27, 2018
0.1.1 May 27, 2018
0.1.0 May 27, 2018

#181 in #ssh

Used in stund

MIT license

405 lines


This small crate defines the protocol used for client-server communication in stund, a daemon for maintaining SSH tunnels.


The stund client-server communication protocol.

Stund is a simple daemon for maintaining SSH tunnels. This crate defines the communication protocol used between the CLI client and the daemon that acts as the parent to SSH processes.

The protocol only has a handful of commands at the moment. These are defined in this main module. The client submodule implements the client protocol.


~161K SLoC