5 stable releases

2.1.0 Apr 29, 2021
2.0.1 Apr 29, 2021
1.0.1 Apr 27, 2021

#53 in #steam

MIT license

823 lines


CI Documentation MIT licensed

A simple crate to parse and work with steam id.

The implementation 99% follows the specification as far as it is possible.

Also provides a way to construct requests and parse responses from such services as:

Rust version

The minimal rust version the library supports is 1.42. Previous versions might still work but not guaranteed to work correctly.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


SteamID FX crate. Work with SteamIDs easily and safely. The specification is mostly here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamID but this crate deviates a bit from it as empirically it was noticed that the valve themselves don't follow this spec fully. To be in-line with valve's behaviour, this crates deviated from the spec.


~135K SLoC