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#1250 in Parser implementations

29 downloads per month


744 lines

SPAYD (Short Payment Descriptor)

This library implements text processing for the Short Payment Descriptor format (SPAYD or SPD). This is a simple text format for requesting payments, mainly used in Czechia and the Slovak Republic. It can encode details of the payee, destination account (IBAN), amount etc.

While Typically SPAYDs are sent as QR codes which can be scanned into a mobile banking app, this library only aims to handle the text processing of the data. QR scanning is already implemented in libraries such as qr_code and may be provided by other methods on mobile OSs.


This library implements text processing for the Short Payment Descriptor format (SPAYD or SPD). This is a simple text format for requesting payments in Czechia and the Slovak Republic. It can encode details of the payee, destination account (IBAN), amount etc.

Parsing SPAYD text:

use spayd::{Spayd, fields};

let payment: Spayd = "SPD*1.0*ACC:CZ1355000000000000222885*AM:250.00*CC:CZK".parse().unwrap();

assert_eq!(payment.field(fields::ACCOUNT), Some("CZ1355000000000000222885"));
assert_eq!(payment.field(fields::AMOUNT), Some("250.00"));
assert_eq!(payment.field(fields::CURRENCY), Some("CZK"));

Creatig a SPAYD:

use spayd::{Spayd, fields};

let account = "CZ1355000000000000222885";
let amount = "250.00";
let currency = "CZK";

let mut payment = Spayd::empty_v1_0();
payment.set_field(fields::ACCOUNT, account);
payment.set_field(fields::AMOUNT, amount);
payment.set_field(fields::CURRENCY, currency);

assert_eq!(payment.to_string(), "SPD*1.0*ACC:CZ1355000000000000222885*AM:250.00*CC:CZK")

This crate also provides features (chrono, iban_validate, iso_currency, rust_decimal) for optional conversions to/from commonly used types.

use spayd::{Spayd, fields};
use iban::Iban;
use chrono::NaiveDate;
use rust_decimal::Decimal;
use iso_currency::Currency;

let account: Iban = "CZ1355000000000000222885".parse().unwrap();
let amount = Decimal::new(250, 0);;
let currency = Currency::CZK;
let due_date = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2023, 10, 31).unwrap();

let mut payment = Spayd::empty_v1_0();

assert_eq!(payment.account().unwrap().to_iban(), Ok(account));
assert_eq!(payment.amount(), Ok(amount));
assert_eq!(payment.currency(), Ok(currency));
assert_eq!(payment.due_date(), Ok(due_date));


~75K SLoC