Cargo Features

SecretService has no features set by default.

secret-service = { version = "3.1.0", features = ["crypto-rust", "crypto-openssl", "rt-async-io-crypto-rust", "rt-async-io-crypto-openssl", "rt-tokio-crypto-rust", "rt-tokio-crypto-openssl"] }

The async runtime features mirror those of zbus for compatibility.

crypto-rust rt-async-io-crypto-rust? rt-tokio-crypto-rust?

Enables aes, cbc, hkdf, and sha2

Affects session::encrypt, session::decrypt

crypto-openssl rt-async-io-crypto-openssl? rt-tokio-crypto-openssl?

Enables openssl

Affects session::encrypt, session::decrypt

rt-async-io-crypto-rust = crypto-rust

Enables async-io of zbus ^3.7

rt-async-io-crypto-openssl = crypto-openssl

Enables async-io of zbus ^3.7

rt-tokio-crypto-rust = crypto-rust

Enables tokio of zbus ^3.7

rt-tokio-crypto-openssl = crypto-openssl

Enables tokio of zbus ^3.7