3 releases

0.1.2 May 4, 2022
0.1.1 May 4, 2022
0.1.0 May 4, 2022

#93 in #internet

38 downloads per month

MIT license

818 lines


Initialize Canister Manager

use scaled_storage::node_manager::{
    CanisterManager, CanisterManagerEvent, InitCanisterManagerParam, NodeInfo, WasmInitArgs,

//Replace TYPE with your own data type
static mut CANISTER_MANAGER: Option<CanisterManager<TYPE>> = None;
fn init(){
    unsafe {
        CANISTER_MANAGER = Some(CanisterManager::new(ic::id(), |size| size > 50));
        //replace closure with your own custom "should scale up" logic.

Add CanisterManager house-keeping methods

fn init_wasm(param: WasmInitArgs) -> bool {
    unsafe {

async fn heartbeat() {
    unsafe {

async fn handle_event(event: CanisterManagerEvent) {
    unsafe {

async fn init_canister_manager(param: InitCanisterManagerParam) {
    unsafe {
        match param.args {
            Some(args) => CANISTER_MANAGER
            None => CANISTER_MANAGER.as_mut().unwrap().lifecyle_init_node(None),

Update candid file

type install_args = record {
    all_nodes: vec text;

type init_canister_manager_param = record {
    args: opt install_args;

type migrate_args = record {
    data: blob;

type wasm_init_args = record {
    position: nat8;
    wasm_chunk: blob;

type canister_manager_event = variant {
 NodeCreated: text; 
 NodeDeleted: text;
 Migrate: migrate_args;

service: {
"init_canister_manager":(init_canister_manager_param)-> ();

Access your data

 unsafe {
     let canister_manager = &mut CANISTER_MANAGER.as_mut().unwrap().canister;

     let result = canister_manager.with_upsert_data_mut(key, |data| {
         *data = value;

     //result returns either a NodeResult::NodeId or NodeResult::Result

     match result {
         NodeResult::NodeId(node_id) => {
             //do something with node_id perhaps return it to the client
             //or forward the current request to the node_id like below
             CanisterManager::forward_request(node_id, "method_name", args)
         NodeResult::Result(result) => {
             //do something with result

Once canister has been deployed, canister manager must be initialized with ss_uploader

cargo install ss_uploader


~219K SLoC