Cargo Features

rerun-cli = { version = "0.17.0-alpha.3", default-features = false, features = ["native_viewer", "web_viewer"] }
default = native_viewer, web_viewer

The default is what the user gets when they call cargo install rerun-cli, so wer have all the bells and wistles here

native_viewer default

Support spawning a native viewer.
This adds a lot of extra dependencies, so only enable this feature if you need it!

Enables native_viewer of rerun

web_viewer default

Support serving a web viewer over HTTP.

Enabling this inflates the binary size quite a bit, since it embeds the viewer wasm.
When building from source (in the repository), this feature adds quite a bit to the compile time since it requires compiling and bundling the viewer as wasm.

TODO(#4295): web_viewer shouldn't require rerun/sdk

Enables sdk and web_viewer of rerun