#proxy #https #pingora #reverse-proxy #load-balancer #env-var

app proksi

A batteries-included reverse proxy with automatic HTTPS using Cloudflare Pingora and Let's Encrypt

10 releases

new 0.2.5 Jun 10, 2024
0.2.3 Jun 8, 2024
0.2.0 May 31, 2024
0.1.11 May 28, 2024

#1297 in HTTP server

Download history 405/week @ 2024-05-13 51/week @ 2024-05-20 733/week @ 2024-05-27

1,189 downloads per month



Proksi: Automatic SSL, HTTP, and DNS Proxy

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⚠️ Important: this is still a work-in-progress project. It does the basics but everything needs polishing and real production testing. That said, suggestions, issues or PRs are encouraged.

Proksi is a simple, lightweight, and easy-to-use proxy server that automatically handles SSL, HTTP, and DNS traffic. It is designed to be used as a standalone proxy server or as a component in a larger system. Proksi is written in Rust and uses Pingora as its core networking library.

Getting started




Similar to other proxies, Proksi can be run as a Docker container. The following command will run Proksi in a Docker container:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /path/to/config:/etc/proksi/ luizfonseca/proksi

Docker Containers

Proksi also supports non-swarm Docker containers. To use Proksi with Docker containers, you need to add labels to your Docker containers. The following labels are supported:

# docker-compose.yml
# This is an example of how to use Proksi with Docker containers
# This will automatically discover services and route traffic to them
# based on the labels defined in the container.

    name: web

  # Proksi itself -- the only service that needs the `ports` directive
    image: luizfonseca/proksi:latest
      - web # Proksi needs to be in the same network as the services it will proxy
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - /path/to/config:/etc/proksi/config.yaml

  # Your service
  # This service will be automatically discovered by Proksi and doesn't need
  # to expose any ports to the host, only to proksi
    image: nginxdemos/hello # This container exposes port 80
      - web
      proksi.enabled: "true"
      proksi.host: "myhost.example.com"
      proksi.port: "80"

Docker Swarm

One of the main purposes of Proksi is to also enable automatic service discovery and routing. To do this, you can use Proksi in conjunction with Docker Swarm:

# docker-compose.yml
# This is an example of how to use Proksi with Docker Swarm
# This will automatically discover services and route traffic to them
# based on the labels defined in the service.

    image: luizfonseca/proksi:latest
      - web # Any service in the same network will be able to communicate with Proksi
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - /path/to/config:/etc/proksi/config.yaml
          - node.role == manager


You can also run Proksi as a standalone binary using rust's cargo. First, you need to install the binary:

cargo install proksi

Then you can run the binary in your platform:

# Proksi will try to find proksi.yaml or proksi.toml in this path
proksi -c /config-path/ --service_name=proksi

Command line options

Running proksi --help will provide you with the available options.

Usage: proksi [OPTIONS]

-s, --service-name <SERVICE_NAME>
      The name of the service (will appear as a log property)

      [default: proksi]

-w, --worker-threads <WORKER_THREADS>
      The number of worker threads to be used by the HTTPS proxy service.

      For background services the default is always (1) and cannot be changed.

      [default: 1]

-c, --config-path <CONFIG_PATH>
      The PATH to the configuration file to be used.

      The configuration file should be named either `proksi.toml`, `proksi.yaml` or `proksi.yml`

      and be present in that path. Defaults to the current directory.

      [default: ./]

  --log.level <LEVEL>
      The level of logging to be used

      [default: info]
      [possible values: debug, info, warn, error]

      Whether to log access logs (request, duration, headers etc)

      Whether to log error logs (errors, panics, etc) from the Rust runtime

  --docker.interval_secs <INTERVAL_SECS>
      The interval (in seconds) to check for label updates (default: every 15 seconds)

      [default: 15]

  --docker.endpoint <ENDPOINT>
      The docker endpoint to connect to (can be a unix socket or a tcp address)

      [default: unix:///var/run/docker.sock]

  --docker.enabled <ENABLED>
      Enables the docker label service (default: false)

      [default: false]
      [possible values: true, false]

  --docker.mode <MODE>
      Mode to use for the docker service

      [default: container]
      [possible values: swarm, container]

-h, --help
      Print help (see a summary with '-h')

-V, --version
      Print version

Running Proksi

Docker Labels

Proksi can be used in conjunction with Docker to automatically discover services and route traffic to them. To do this, you need to add labels to your Docker services (swarm or not). The following labels are supported:

# docker-compose.yml
version: 3.8
    image: your-service:latest
      - "3000:3000"
        # Whether the service should be proxied or not.
        # By default, Proksi won't discover any services where the value is not explicitly `true`
        proksi.enabled: "true"

        # The hostname that the service should be available at. E.g. `example.com`.
        proksi.host: "example.com"

        # you can make Proksi to use a self-signed certificate (in-memory)
        # if the certificate can't be issued. A certificate is required for
        # Proksi to proxy requests to the upstream server
        # (this is useful for development and testing purposes)
        proksi.ssl_certificate.self_signed_on_failure: "true"

        # The port that your service is running on. E.g. `3000`.
        proksi.port: "3000"

        # (Optional)
        # E.g. `/api` will match only requests with "example.com/api*" to this service.
        proksi.path.pattern.api: "/api"

        # (Optional)
        # E.g. `.json` will match only requests with "example.com/*.json"
        proksi.path.pattern.only_json: ".json"

        # (Optional) A JSON object with headers to insert/replace to
        # the request before proxying.
        proksi.headers.add: |
            {"name": "X-Forwarded-For", "value": "my-api"},
            {"name": "X-Api-Version", "value: "1.0" }

        # (Optional) A JSON object with headers to remove in the request before proxying.
        proksi.headers.remove: |
          [{ "name": "Server" }, { "name": "X-User-Id" }]

        # The Oauth2 plugin
        # This plugin is responsible for handling Oauth authentication and authorization
        # It can be used to authenticate users against various Oauth providers
        # and authorize them to access specific resources or perform certain actions
        # based on their authorization level.
        proksi.plugins.oauth2.provider: github
        proksi.plugins.oauth2.client_id: <client_id>
        proksi.plugins.oauth2.client_secret: <client_secret>
        proksi.plugins.oauth2.jwt_secret: <jwt_secret> # The secret used to sign the JWT token
        proksi.plugins.oauth2.validations:  |
          [ { "type": "email", "value": ["your-email@example.com"] } ]

Jobs to be done

  • Automatic Redirect to HTTPS
  • Docker Labeling Support
  • Automatic SSL termination
  • Automatic SSL certificate renewal
  • Extensible through configuration
  • Path matcher (regex, prefix and suffix) Pattern-based for high performance and flexibility
  • Header manipulation (add/replace, remove)
  • Default middlewares implemented
    • RateLimiter,
    • GeoIp/Ip whitelisting
    • BasicAuth
    • Oauth2
    • CORS

Batteries included

Proksi is designed to be a standalone proxy server that can be used out of the box. It comes with a series of features that would normally require multiple tools to achieve. The vision of this project is to also cover most of the basic and extended requirements for a LB/Proxy server without getting into "convoluted" configurations.

The following features are included or will be included into Proksi without the need of 3rd party plugins:


  • Automatic SSL termination (using LetsEncrypt)
  • Automatic HTTP to HTTPS redirection
  • Docker Labeling Support (for services discovery)
  • Load Balancing (✅ Round Robin, ⛔︎ Weighted Round Robin, ⛔︎ Least Connections)
  • Health Checks
  • Storage support for LetsEncrypt certificates (S3, Etcd, Consul, etc)
  • Controller <> server support (in order to share certificates)


  • Geofence
  • IP range blocking
  • IP allowlists/denylists
  • Basic Authentication
  • Oauth2 Authentication (Google, Facebook, ✅ Github, ✅ WorkOs etc)
  • JWT Authentication (and thus, passing information downstream)
  • CORS Middleware
  • Rate Limiting Middleware
  • Rewrite Middleware
  • Redirect Middleware
  • Compression Middleware
  • Request/Response Logging Middleware
  • Request/Response Modification Middleware
  • Request/Response Caching Middleware
  • Request/Response Filtering Middleware
  • Request/Response Transformation Middleware
  • Request/Response Validation Middleware
  • RequestId Middleware

Note that as always, these are mostly opt-in and will be disabled by default.

Extending Proksi

Proksi is designed to be extensible through configuration. You can define custom middlewares and plugins in the configuration file, and Proksi will automatically load and use them. This allows you to add new features to Proksi without having to modify the source code.

The plugins support will be aimed towards WASM, so you can write your own plugins in any language that compiles to WASM.

If you have any ideas for new features or plugins, that could benefit the project, please open an issue or a PR.


YAML/TOML Configuration

You can see below an excerpt of the configuration (generated from Cue). This is still a work in progress, and the configuration format may change in the future.

# Example configuration file
service_name: "proksi"
worker_threads: 4

  level: "INFO"
  access_logs_enabled: true
  error_logs_enabled: false

  enabled: true
  # This issues temporary certificates for testing. Flip it to `false` to use
  # production certificates.
  staging: true
  email: "your-email@example.com"

  # where to store certificates?
  lets_encrypt: "./my-lets_encrypt-folder"

  - host: "example.com"
      # path patterns to match and if there are no matches, HTTP 404
          - "/api/*"
          - "*.js"
      # Useful for testing only
      self_signed_on_failure: true
        - name: "Cache-Control"
          value: "max=3600"
        - name: "X-Api-Version"
          value: "1.0"
        - name: "Server"
      - ip: ""
        port: 3000
        network: "public"
      - ip: ""
        port: 3000
        network: "shared"

Environment variables

Proksi can be configured using environment variables. They are mapped to the configuration file, always start with PROKSI_ and can be used to override the default values. For nested keys, use the __ character.


  • For the key service_name, the environment variable PROKSI_SERVICE_NAME can used
  • For the key worker_threads, the environment variable PROKSI_WORKER_THREADS can be used
  • For the key logging.level, the environment variable PROKSI_LOGGING__LEVEL can be used (note the __ separator due to the nested key)
  • For keys that accept a list of values, e.g. routes, the environment variable PROKSI_ROUTES can be used with a string value like this:
export PROKSI_ROUTES='[{host="example.com", upstreams=[{ip="", port=3001}]'

In the future you might be able to use PROKSI_ROUTES__0__HOST to set the host of the first route (or any other), but this is not yet implemented.

Configuration Examples

See the examples folder to learn about how to use Proksi.

Performance & Benchmarks

Early tests are promising, but we need to do more testing to see how Proksi performs under real load. There are also some optimizations that can be done to improve performance in the long term, though the focus is on making it feature complete first.

An sample run from the wrk benchmark on the simple /ping endpoint shows the following results (running on a single worker thread):

# Apple M1 Pro, 16GB
# Memory Usage: 15.2MB, CPU Usage: 13%, 1 worker thread
# at 2024-05-26T02:02:00Z
# Wrk > 50 connections, 4 threads, 30s duration
wrk -c 50 -t 4 -d 30s

Running 30s test @
  4 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   401.63us   98.26us   2.05ms   89.65%
    Req/Sec    29.69k     2.86k   32.41k    92.03%
  3556060 requests in 30.10s, 437.48MB read
Requests/sec: 118140.21
Transfer/sec:     14.53MB

It's also based on Pingora, so it should be fast if cloudflare is using it.

Why build another proxy...?

Many reasons, but the main one is that I wanted to learn more about how proxies work, and I wanted to build something that I could use in my own projects. I also wanted to build something that was easy to use and configure, and that could be extended with custom plugins AND offered out-of-the-box things that other projects needed the community to make.

Also, Rust is a very good use case for proxies (lower CPU usage, lower memory usage etc) and Cloudflare Pingora is basically a mold that you can create things with.

This project will be used in my personal experiments and I welcome you to explore and contribute as you wish.


~2M SLoC