Cargo Features

pesde has no features set by default.

pesde = { version = "0.4.7", features = ["bin", "wally"] }
bin = anyhow, auth-git2, clap, directories, futures-executor, ignore, indicatif, indicatif-log-bridge, inquire, keyring, lune, once_cell, pretty_env_logger

Enables json and multipart of reqwest

Required by the binary

wally = toml, zip

Affects cli::DEFAULT_WALLY_INDEX_URL, dependencies::wally, manifest::Manifest.sourcemap_generator, package_name::WallyPackageName, package_name::WallyPackageNameValidationError, package_name::validate_wally_part

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

toml wally?
zip wally?

Enables zip ^0.6.6

clap bin?
directories bin?
keyring bin?
anyhow bin?
ignore bin?
pretty_env_logger bin?
lune bin?
futures-executor bin?
indicatif bin?
auth-git2 bin?
indicatif-log-bridge bin?
inquire bin?
once_cell bin?