Cargo Features

objc2-quartz-core = { version = "0.2.2", default-features = false, features = ["std", "alloc", "all", "gnustep-1-9", "gnustep-2-1", "bitflags", "block2", "objc2-metal", "CAAnimation", "CABase", "CAConstraintLayoutManager", "CADisplayLink", "CAEDRMetadata", "CAEmitterCell", "CAEmitterLayer", "CAFrameRateRange", "CAGradientLayer", "CALayer", "CAMediaTiming", "CAMediaTimingFunction", "CAMetalDisplayLink", "CAMetalLayer", "CARemoteLayerClient", "CARemoteLayerServer", "CARenderer", "CAReplicatorLayer", "CAScrollLayer", "CAShapeLayer", "CATextLayer", "CATiledLayer", "CATransaction", "CATransform3D", "CATransformLayer", "CAValueFunction", "CoreVideo"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever objc2-quartz-core is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default = alloc

Currently not possible to turn off, put here for forwards compatibility.

Enables std of optional bitflags, optional block2, objc2, objc2-foundation, and optional objc2-metal

alloc std

Enables alloc of optional block2, objc2, objc2-foundation, and optional objc2-metal

all = CAAnimation, CABase, CAConstraintLayoutManager, CADisplayLink, CAEDRMetadata, CAEmitterCell, CAEmitterLayer, CAFrameRateRange, CAGradientLayer, CALayer, CAMediaTiming, CAMediaTimingFunction, CAMetalDisplayLink, CAMetalLayer, CAOpenGLLayer, CARemoteLayerClient, CARemoteLayerServer, CARenderer, CAReplicatorLayer, CAScrollLayer, CAShapeLayer, CATextLayer, CATiledLayer, CATransaction, CATransform3D, CATransformLayer, CAValueFunction, CoreAnimation, CoreImage, CoreVideo, bitflags, block2, objc2-metal
apple gnustep-1-7 gnustep-1-8 gnustep-1-9
gnustep-2-0 gnustep-2-1
bitflags CALayer? all?

Enables bitflags, bitflags of objc2-foundation and optional objc2-metal

block2 all?

Enables block2, block2 of objc2-foundation and optional objc2-metal

objc2-metal all?

Enables objc2-metal

CAAnimation all?

Enables NSArray, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSString and NSValue of objc2-foundation

CABase all?
CAConstraintLayoutManager all?

Enables NSArray, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation

Enables NSObjCRuntime, NSRunLoop and NSString of objc2-foundation

CAEDRMetadata all?

Enables NSData and NSObject of objc2-foundation

CAEmitterCell all?

Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation

CAEmitterLayer all?

Enables NSArray, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation

CAFrameRateRange all?
CAGradientLayer all?

Enables NSArray, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSString and NSValue of objc2-foundation

CALayer all? = bitflags

Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSNull, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation

CAMediaTiming all?

Enables NSString of objc2-foundation

CAMediaTimingFunction all?

Enables NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation

Enables NSObjCRuntime, NSRunLoop and NSString of objc2-foundation, MTLDrawable of optional objc2-metal

CAMetalLayer all?

Enables NSDictionary, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation, MTLDevice, MTLDrawable, MTLPixelFormat, MTLResource and MTLTexture of optional objc2-metal

CAOpenGLLayer CARemoteLayerClient all?
CARemoteLayerServer all?
CARenderer all?

Enables NSDictionary, NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation

CAReplicatorLayer all?

Enables NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation

CAScrollLayer all?

Enables NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation

CAShapeLayer all?

Enables NSArray, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSString and NSValue of objc2-foundation

CATextLayer all?

Enables NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation

CATiledLayer all?

Enables NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation

CATransaction all?

Enables NSString of objc2-foundation

CATransform3D all?

Enables NSGeometry and NSValue of objc2-foundation

CATransformLayer all?

Enables NSObject of objc2-foundation

CAValueFunction all?

Enables NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation

CoreAnimation CoreImage CoreVideo all?