Cargo Features

mkutil = { version = "0.7.1", default-features = false, features = ["fern_log", "image_processing", "clipboard", "file_dialog", "file_system", "ron_deser", "html", "ldap", "clipboard_to_temp_image", "git", "sound", "python", "dag", "notify", "grapheme", "web_client"] }
default = fern_log

The fern_log feature is set by default whenever mkutil is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

fern_log default = fern

Affects mkutil::setup_logger, mkutil::apply_fern_log

image_processing clipboard_to_temp_image? = image

Affects mkutil::img_processing, clipboard::get_rgba_image

clipboard clipboard_to_temp_image? = arboard

Affects clipboard::set_path, clipboard::set_text, clipboard::get_rgba_image

file_dialog = rfd

Affects mkutil::dialog

file_system clipboard_to_temp_image? = fs_extra

Affects finder::remove_items, uploader::copy_retain_source_filename, uploader::copy_items_overwrite, uploader::copy_file_as_file, version::backup_file

ron_deser = ron

Affects app_root_dir::load_ron_config

html = select

Affects mkutil::html_scraping

ldap = ldap3

Affects mkutil::ldap

clipboard_to_temp_image = clipboard, file_system, image_processing

Affects clipboard::save_temp_image

git = git2

Affects mkutil::git_cmd

sound = rodio

Affects mkutil::sound

python = pyo3

Affects mkutil::py

dag = daggy

Affects mkutil::dag


Enables image of notify-rust

Affects mkutil::notify

grapheme = unicode-segmentation

Affects mkutil::grapheme


Affects mkutil::web

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

fern fern_log

Enables fern


ron ron_deser?
select html?
arboard clipboard?
image image_processing?

Enables image ^0.24.3

fs_extra file_system?
ldap3 ldap?
unicode-segmentation grapheme?
daggy dag?
notify-rust notify?
rfd file_dialog?

Enables rfd ^0.13.0

rodio sound?

Enables rodio ^0.17.1

git2 git?
pyo3 python?

Enables pyo3 ^0.20.0