#music #dsp #synth #synthesizer

no-std lyd

Music dsp library written in Rust with a focus on performance and elegancy

5 releases

0.0.2 Apr 26, 2023
0.0.1 Apr 26, 2023
0.0.1-alpha.3 Apr 24, 2023

#23 in #synth

Custom license

256 lines

lyd (wip)

lyd (the Norwegian/Danish word for audio) is a rust library that offers an audio graph, nodes, and message system for dynamic audio/music control including node adding, removing and modifying.

lyd aims to offer and balance:

  1. minimal but intuitive apis (read more below)
  2. consideration for optimizations: wasm, embedded devices, etc.


use lyd::*;

fn main() {
    let mut ctx = context().channels(2).frames(1024).sr(48000).build(&[
        ("~mod", &[sin_osc().freq(10.0).amp(300.), add(500.1)]),
        ("out", &[sin_osc().freq("~mod"), add(0.1)]),
    println!("{:?}", ctx.next_block());

more in the examples folder.


feel free to write your suggestions on github

poc phase with many bugs and the apis can significantly change


~28K SLoC