#llm #langchain #model #gen-ai


Rust version of Langchain

2 releases

0.0.2 Sep 7, 2023
0.0.1 Sep 3, 2023

#15 in #langchain

40 downloads per month

MIT license

662 lines


Build Status Latest Version

langchain_rs is a Rust implementation of LangChain, a library for building applications with Large Language Models (LLMs). This version of LangChain is specifically designed for use with Rust and provides seamless integration with LLMs.


  • Integration with LLMs for natural language processing tasks
  • Flexible prompt management and optimization
  • Generic interface for working with different LLMs
  • Support for building chains of LLM calls
  • Data augmentation functionality for improved generation
  • Memory management to persist state across calls


To use langchain_rs in your Rust project, add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

langchain_rs = "0.0.1"


~1M SLoC