#image-resizing #image-format #resize #image #image-conversion #conversion #png

app image-tool

A simple mass image manipulation commandline tool for resizing and converting format. This tool is specifically designed to for performing conversion on large amount of images with different formats efficienctly.

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 4, 2022

#899 in Images

21 downloads per month

MIT license

363 lines


A simple mass image manipulation commandline tool for resizing and converting format. This tool is specifically designed to for performing conversion on large amount of images with different formats efficienctly.


Install binary from crates.io:

cargo install image-tool

Then add ~/.cargo/bin/ to PATH to run it anywhere.


Currently there are two subcommands: resize and convert

  • resize: resize image(s), can be a file or a folder
  • convert: convert image(s) to a certain format, works with a file or a folder.

Usage for resize

    image-tool.exe resize [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <INPUT> --dimension <dimension>

    -f, --folder     Perform resize for all images in a folder
    -g, --guess      Guess file format based on the first few bytes
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -d, --dimension <dimension>    Specify the output dimension of the file in the form "SIZExSIZE" (eg. "64x64")
    -o, --output <output>          Specify the output file name and path

    <INPUT>    Specify the path of the file/folder to perform the operation

An example to resize all images under folder test/ to size 36x36. Notice all resized images will be replaced in place.

image-tool resize test/ -f --dimension 36x36

To resize a file test.png to 128x256, and save it as a new file resized.png without replacing the original.

image-tool resize test.png --dimension 128x256 -o resized.png

Note: By default image format are extracted from the file extension. Adding the flag -g will force the tool to guess the format based on the first few magic bytes, while sacrificing some efficiency.

Usage for convert

    image-tool.exe convert [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <INPUT> --format <format>

    -f, --folder     Perform resize for all images in a folder
    -g, --guess      Guess file format based on the first few bytes
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -y, --yes        Agrees to all following prompts (eg. delete original files)

    -F, --format <format>    Specify the output format (eg. "PNG"). Supported format are PNG, JPEG
    -o, --output <output>    Specify the output file name and path

    <INPUT>    Specify the path of the file/folder to perform the operation

An example to converting all images under folder test/ to the format jpeg, and save it to another folder result/. A prompt will ask if the original files should be deleted or not.

image-tool convert test/ -f --format jpeg -o result/

To convert a single file test.jpeg to a png, and proceeds to delete the original file without a prompt.

image-tool convert test.jpeg --format png -y

Note: By default image format are extracted from the file extension. Adding the flag -g will force the tool to guess the format based on the first few magic bytes, while sacrificing some efficiency.


Building the tool from scratch requires the rust compiler and cargo to be installed on your machine. Then execute the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/Isaac-the-Man/image-tool.git
cd image-tool/
cargo build --release

Next to be able to use the tool anywhere on your machine, add target/release/ to PATH.


This binary is essentially just a wrapper for the rust libary image.


~66K SLoC