#ssh-agent #ssh #aws #back-end #api-gateway

app iam-ssh-agent

ssh-agent compatible daemon that forwards list-keys and sign-data operations to an API Gateway backend, access controlled by the caller's IAM identity

6 releases

0.3.1 Apr 21, 2020
0.3.0 Apr 20, 2020
0.2.4 Apr 20, 2020
0.2.2 Mar 16, 2020

#1418 in Development tools

39 downloads per month


218 lines

iam-ssh-agent agent

Binary replacement for ssh-agent that uses an iam-ssh-agent backend for list keys and sign data operations.

The artifacts built from this crate are:

  • iam-ssh-agent.deb a Debian package, attached to the GitHub Release
  • keithduncan/iam-ssh-agent:latest a Docker image with Alpine base, pushed to Docker Hub


~621K SLoC