Cargo Features

hwlocality has no features set by default.

hwlocality = { version = "1.0.0-alpha.4", features = ["hwloc-latest", "hwloc-2_0_4", "hwloc-2_1_0", "hwloc-2_2_0", "hwloc-2_3_0", "hwloc-2_4_0", "hwloc-2_5_0", "hwloc-2_8_0", "hwloc-2_10_0", "hwloc-3_0_0", "vendored", "vendored-extra", "proptest"] }
hwloc-latest = hwloc-2_10_0

Require the latest release of hwloc supported by this library
It is not recommended to use this feature in production, since an update to hwlocality can silently bump your hwloc build requirement. But this feature is convenient for scenarios like CI where you want to test with all features on.

hwloc-2_0_4 hwloc-2_1_0?

Require at least hwloc v2.0.4, which enables...

- Checking if the merging of group objects with identical parents or children
has been prevented.

Enables hwloc-2_0_4 of hwlocality-sys

Part of this project (raw FFI binding)

hwloc-2_1_0 hwloc-2_2_0? = hwloc-2_0_4

Require at least hwloc v2.1.0, which enables...

- Support for ObjectType::Die, used to model CPUs with multiple dies per package.
- Support for ObjectType::MemCache, used to model memory-side caches.
- Blacklisting some components from being enabled in a topology via
TopologyBuilder::blacklist_component(), for faster topology loading. addition to all features listed above

Enables hwloc-2_1_0 of hwlocality-sys

hwloc-2_2_0 hwloc-2_3_0? = hwloc-2_1_0

Require at least hwloc v2.2.0, which enables...

- Removing SMT from a given CpuSet using CpuSet::singlify_per_core.
- PCI devices with 32-bit domain indices. Since we currently can't tell which
configuration was used in the hwloc build, we assume the default configuration, which is to disable it until v3.0 where it becomes the default. addition to all features listed above

Enables hwloc-2_2_0 of hwlocality-sys

hwloc-2_3_0 hwloc-2_4_0? = hwloc-2_2_0

Require at least hwloc v2.3.0, which enables...

- Memory attributes, allowing latency/bandwidth queries between initiators
(e.g. CPU cores) and NUMA nodes.
- Topology::local_numa_nodes() for listing NUMA nodes that are local to some
- Export of support information in XML, which can be read back by setting the
new BuildFlags::IMPORT_SUPPORT flag.
- Modifying topologies using TopologyEditor. This was actually supported by
previous hwloc versions, but in a manner that violates the Rust aliasing model so we could not expose it in the Rust bindings. addition to all features listed above

Enables hwloc-2_3_0 of hwlocality-sys

Affects memory::attribute, topology::editor, support::MiscSupport

hwloc-2_4_0 hwloc-2_5_0? = hwloc-2_3_0

Require at least hwloc v2.4.0, which enables...

- Discriminating different CPU kinds, for hybrid CPU support. addition to all features listed above

Enables hwloc-2_4_0 of hwlocality-sys

Affects cpu::kind

hwloc-2_5_0 hwloc-2_8_0? = hwloc-2_4_0

Require at least hwloc v2.5.0, which enables...

- Querying Windows processor groups.
- Converting between objects with same locality, e.g. NUMA nodes and Packages,
using Topology::object_with_same_locality.
- Modifying distance structures using Distances::transform()
- Adding distances between objects using TopologyEditor::add_distances(). This
was actually possible in previous versions of hwloc, but the old API was quite different, and is not currently supported by the Rust bindings.
- New BuildFlags to prevent modifications of CPU and memory bindings during
topology discovery, especially on Windows. addition to all features listed above

Enables hwloc-2_5_0 of hwlocality-sys

Affects interop::windows, distance::AddDistancesError, distance::DistancesTransform, distance::TransformError, search::LocalObjectError

hwloc-2_8_0 hwloc-2_10_0? = hwloc-2_5_0

Require at least hwloc v2.8.0, which enables...

- BuildFlags to disable the enumeration of some topology metadata in order
to speed up topology building when they are not needed.
- Dedicated memory attributes for read and write bandwidth and latency, rather
than an overall figure of merit. addition to all features listed above

Enables hwloc-2_8_0 of hwlocality-sys

hwloc-2_10_0 hwloc-3_0_0? hwloc-latest? = hwloc-2_8_0

Require at least hwloc v2.10.0

This is a maintenance release which does not affect the external hwlocality API, but cleans up hwlocality internals. addition to all features listed above

Enables hwloc-2_10_0 of hwlocality-sys

hwloc-3_0_0 = hwloc-2_10_0

WIP hwloc v3.0.0 support, do not use yet!

Enables hwloc-3_0_0 of hwlocality-sys

Affects pci::PCIDomain

vendored vendored-extra?

To support a new hwloc release that introduces API or ABI changes (see the NEWS file in the hwloc source tree for release notes)...

  • Add a new feature matching that release version.
  • Make it enable features associated with all previous versions.
  • Change hwloc-latest to point to that feature.
  • Update hwlocality-sys' Cargo.toml similarly
  • Update hwlocality-sys' to...
    • Record the new feature's hwloc version requirements in setup_hwloc()
    • Use a newer official tarball, with appropriate checksum (can be computed using curl <tar.gz url> | sha3-256sum), in setup_vendored_hwloc()
    • If this is a new major version, add support for it in find_hwloc()
  • Make the binding honor the API/ABI changes with the right cfg()s.
  • Bump the crate's minor release number unless previous version was unreleased.
  • Add this feature to the CI's linter matrix and both test matrices.
  • Once CI has run at least once, add new matrix entry to required checks.
  • Bump the hwloc version that's installed by CI.
  • Adjust readthedocs links to point to the new release's documentation.
  • Tag new minor releases of hwlocality and hwlocality-sys

Automatically download and build a compatible hwloc version internally. Otherwise, hwlocality will use the system installation of hwloc.

By default, hwloc is built with all optional features disabled, which minimizes the odds of hard-to-debug vendored build failures. You may instead let the hwloc build system automatically enable optional features, as it does by default, using the "vendored-extra" cargo feature.

Enables vendored of hwlocality-sys

vendored-extra = vendored

Let the hwloc vendored build auto-enable optional features (libxml2, I/O device discovery...) as the build system deems appropriate for the host.

Be warned that this autodetection process is known to have false positives,
e.g. CUDA support may end up being enabled even when the relevant CUDA toolkit is not in PATHs, resulting in hwloc build failures.

Enables vendored-extra of hwlocality-sys


Implement required infrastructure for property-based testing

Enables proptest

Used for optional proptest feature