2 releases

0.1.1 Sep 25, 2023
0.1.0 Dec 8, 2019

#58 in #redirect

32 downloads per month

MIT license

114 lines


Rust Docker Fly Deploy

A custom URL shortener use – written in Rust, build with Tokio and Axum, and deployed to Fly.io.

Load Testing

A k6 load-testing script is in the load-test directory.

The load tests can be run with the following command (assuming k6 is installed):

k6 run load-test/script.js


flyctl deploy

Possible Roadmap

  • Performance improvements
  • Binary-size improvements
  • Better logging
  • Setting a timeout (currently Fly.io times out the application)
  • Tracking Stats & Metrics (in a database?)
  • Storing links externally (in Redis or a database?)


~311K SLoC