#hornvale #idea #experimental #explore #procedural #narrative #mythopoetic

bin+lib goldengrove

Narrative/mythopoetic PCG and tools for my Hornvale project

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Oct 20, 2022

#6 in #narrative

31 downloads per month
Used in ivyhall


143 lines


An experimental tool for procedural mythopoetic and narrative generation, written in Rust.

I have some ideas I want to explore here, but not much concrete. I have a number of other projects active right now, so this is probably something that's just going to purr along in the background.

Ideally, this will take some elements from Starfall and build on them. For instance, let's say that we generate a world with a binary sun, three moons, and no significant axial tilt. There wouldn't necessarily be seasons, but there would be rhythms to the natural world. What sort of life might arise here? If intelligent species evolve (and I'm not losing sight of the idea that we want to have things that are playable), what sort of mythologies and customs and narratives might they construct?

That's the sort of thing I want to play with here.


~102K SLoC