Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

futures-util is used at run time in 27,173 crates (of which 3,309 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 2,446 crates. It's used at build time in 170 crates (of which 51 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1,526 crates (of which 120 directly).

Number of dependers futures-util version Downloads/month
28,851 0.3.30 5.4M
8 0.3.29 2.0M
10 0.2.1 110
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) futures-util version
6.8M 10636 futures ^0.3.30
6.3M 188 futures-executor ^0.3.30
5.3M 8890 reqwest ^0.3.0
4.9M 976 hyper-rustls ^0.3
3.9M 1084 axum ^0.3
3.9M 70 axum-core ^0.3
2.2M 238 hyper-util ^0.3.16
2.4M 590 tokio-tungstenite ^0.3.28
7.5M 3392 hyper optional ^0.3
7.1M 1650 tokio-util optional ^0.3.0
1.3M 412 aws-smithy-async ^0.3.29
1.1M 54 multer ^0.3
1.7M 97 opentelemetry_sdk ^0.3
1.0M 52 trust-dns-proto ^0.3.5
1.0M 27 wasm-streams ^0.3.28
4.1M 711 tower optional ^0.3
1.0M 23 opentelemetry_api ^0.3
1.0M 36 sqlx-core ^0.3.19
1.0M 179 trust-dns-resolver ^0.3.5
2.2M 424 tower-http optional ^0.3.14
911K 965 actix-web ^0.3.17
882K 23 actix-server ^0.3.17
835K 3 sqlx-postgres ^0.3.19
835K 3 sqlx-sqlite ^0.3.19
830K 4 sqlx-mysql ^0.3.19
800K 93 rdkafka ^0.3.0
776K 465 warp ^0.3
1.3M 92 integer-encoding optional ^0.3
1.9M 152 tracing-opentelemetry optional ^0.3.17
617K 130 zbus ^0.3.30
545K 92 axum-extra ^0.3
429K 198 tokio-postgres ^0.3
425K 88 tokio-openssl ^0.3
410K 130 async-graphql ^0.3.30
361K 69 asynchronous-codec ^0.3
361K 46 opentelemetry-jaeger ^0.3
354K 309 glib ^0.3
335K 68 axum-server ^0.3
324K 18 async-graphql-axum ^0.3.30
300K 30 tokio-socks ^0.3
282K 10 tokio-metrics ^0.3.19
275K 101 actix-cors ^0.3.17
276K 40 hyperlocal ^0.3
273K 171 gio ^0.3
271K 19 hickory-proto ^0.3.5
263K 264 actix ^0.3.22
258K 80 bollard ^0.3
256K 58 hickory-resolver ^0.3.5
252K 116 async-tungstenite ^0.3
745K 124 unsigned-varint optional ^0.3.4
236K 76 bb8 ^0.3.2
650K 415 redis optional ^0.3.15
208K 1 jsonrpsee-server ^0.3.14
603K 91 moka optional ^0.3.17
184K 136 httpmock ^0.3
179K 123 jsonrpc-core ^0.3
173K 39 ethers-providers ^0.3.28
168K 20 ethers-contract ^0.3.28
158K 13 secret-service ^0.3
144K 51 actix-multipart ^0.3.17
144K 18 salvo_core ^0.3
144K 107 tauri ^0.3
143K 3 lambda_runtime_api_client ^0.3
126K 22 lambda_http ^0.3
122K 225 postgres ^0.3.14
120K 9 ethers-middleware ^0.3.28
119K 9 google-cloud-storage ^0.3
115K 28 fantoccini ^0.3
115K 84 futures-test ^0.3.30
113K 2 smoldot-light ^0.3.27
107K 128 gstreamer ^0.3
108K 180 mongodb ^0.3.14
319K 138 dbus optional ^0.3
103K 88 awc ^0.3.17
102K 38 actix-web-httpauth ^0.3.17
94K 34 tower-test ^0.3
283K 23 opentelemetry-stdout optional ^0.3
94K 9 ashpd ^0.3
273K 24 jsonrpsee-core optional ^0.3.14
88K 56 rumqttc ^0.3
85K 6 cloud-storage ^0.3
85K 6 futures-bounded ^0.3.30
251K 72 tantivy optional ^0.3.28
81K 41 mysql_async ^0.3
240K 3 jsonrpsee-client-transport optional ^0.3.14
73K 23 diesel-async ^0.3.17
68K 228 surf ^0.3.5
64K 17 actix-web-lab ^0.3.17
61K 7 axum-tracing-opentelemetry ^0.3
62K 8 tokio-tower ^0.3
58K 33 tiberius ^0.3
172K 1 opentelemetry-application-insights optional ^0.3
165K 24 ethers-signers optional ^0.3.28
52K 186 solana-client ^0.3.29
50K 25 solana-streamer ^0.3.29
49K 34 trust-dns-client ^0.3.5
47K 63 poem ^0.3.17
142K 1 salvo_extra optional ^0.3
46K 1 dyer ^0.3.17
46K 63 embassy-sync ^0.3.17
46K 5 solana-connection-cache ^0.3.29
46K 5 solana-pubsub-client ^0.3.29
46K 11 solana-tpu-client ^0.3.29
44K 21 worker ^0.3.29
42K 148 tide ^0.3.6
41K 1 rust-multipart-rfc7578_2 ^0.3
121K 7 ethers-solc optional ^0.3.28
38K 8 tls-listener ^0.3.8
115K 54 async-native-tls optional ^0.3.1
113K 5 smoldot optional ^0.3.27
111K 173 mdbook optional ^0.3.28
110K 22 http-client optional ^0.3.5
35K 1 future-queue ^0.3.25
105K 120 lettre optional ^0.3.7
34K 2 containers-api ^0.3
34K 32 poem-openapi ^0.3.17
33K 10 docker-api ^0.3
31K 9 async-graphql-actix-web ^0.3.30
32K 12 async-std-resolver ^0.3.5
31K 30 mobc ^0.3
30K 4 rupnp ^0.3
29K 7 common-multipart-rfc7578 ^0.3
28K 18 oci-distribution ^0.3
29K 17 tower-cookies ^0.3
28K 2 twilight-http-ratelimiting ^0.3
27K 3 actix-web-opentelemetry ^0.3
77K 33 rust-s3 optional ^0.3
24K 1 tracing-gelf ^0.3.30
25K 5 virtual-net ^0.3
74K 2 accesskit_unix optional ^0.3.27
23K 26 ldap3 ^0.3.25
23K 11 libmdns ^0.3
21K 6 actix-connect ^0.3.4
22K 24 actix-test ^0.3.17
21K 9 async-graphql-warp ^0.3.30
20K 17 h3 ^0.3
20K sentry-actix ^0.3.5
19K 33 dioxus-core ^0.3
19K 58 embassy-time ^0.3.17
19K 28 trust-dns-server ^0.3.5
18K 8 dioxus-hooks ^0.3
19K 1 subxt-lightclient ^0.3.30
18K 18 public-ip ^0.3
53K 12 base58-monero optional ^0.3.1
17K 23 ic-agent ^0.3.21
16K 5 redis-async ^0.3.7
16K 3 slack-morphism ^0.3
14K 5 ic-utils ^0.3.21
14K 29 tokio-uring ^0.3.26
43K 107 mlua optional ^0.3
13K 5 actix-web-validator ^0.3
13K 8 dioxus-signals ^0.3
14K 8 ws_stream_tungstenite ^0.3
41K 22 domain optional ^0.3
41K 10 tower-util optional ^0.3
12K 5 librespot-audio ^0.3
12K 14 librespot-core ^0.3
12K 5 librespot-playback ^0.3
39K 73 octocrab optional ^0.3.15
11K 6 async-fn-stream ^0.3
12K 4 fe2o3-amqp ^0.3
11K 25 futures-signals ^0.3.0
12K 10 hickory-client ^0.3.5
12K 20 hyper-staticfile ^0.3.1
11K 5 librespot-connect ^0.3.5
11K 4 r3bl_tui ^0.3.29
11K trunk ^0.3
10K 2 async-dnssd ^0.3.1
10K 7 hickory-server ^0.3.5
10K jsonrpsee-http-server ^0.3.14
10K jsonrpsee-ws-server ^0.3.14
10K 4 librespot ^0.3
10K 3 loco-rs ^0.3
11K 6 madsim ^0.3
10K 4 tonic-web-wasm-client ^0.3.30
32K 2 async-stripe optional ^0.3.21
31K 18 ehttp optional ^0.3
31K 24 tls-api optional ^0.3.1
10K 45 grpcio ^0.3
30K 21 tokio-modbus optional ^0.3.30
9.9K 1 oo7 ^0.3
9.8K cargo-vet ^0.3.21
9.6K 3 socketioxide ^0.3.30
9.6K 1 engineioxide ^0.3.30
9.6K 2 rust_engineio ^0.3
9.5K madsim-rdkafka ^0.3
9.4K 2 axum_typed_multipart ^0.3.28
9.2K omicron-zone-package ^0.3
8.9K 1 tower-balance ^0.3
8.8K 3 jwt-authorizer ^0.3
8.8K 1 madsim-tonic ^0.3
8.6K 1 tower-ready-cache ^0.3
8.5K 2 tokio-tungstenite-wasm ^0.3
25K 1 opentls optional ^0.3.1
8.3K 6 livekit-protocol ^0.3
8.1K 4 minidump-processor ^0.3.25
8.0K 3 breakpad-symbols ^0.3
8.0K 20 influxdb ^0.3.17
8.0K axum-aws-lambda ^0.3
7.9K 4 quic-rpc ^0.3.30
7.9K madsim-etcd-client ^0.3
7.9K 4 binstalk-downloader ^0.3.30
7.8K cancel-safe-futures ^0.3.28
23K 79 maud optional ^0.3.0
7.5K 6 pact-plugin-driver ^0.3.30
7.4K 9 futures-buffered ^0.3.21
7.4K rgwml ^0.3.21
7.3K 6 zeromq ^0.3
21K 29 fluvio-future optional ^0.3.5
7.1K 1 mev-share-sse ^0.3
7.0K 12 async_executors ^0.3
6.9K 13 dioxus-web ^0.3
6.7K 14 poise ^0.3.13
6.6K 2 watchable ^0.3.21
6.5K 10 local-sync ^0.3
6.5K 3 dioxus-liveview ^0.3
6.5K 3 aws-smithy-http-server ^0.3.29
6.4K 4 conjure-http ^0.3
6.4K 2 sc-rpc-spec-v2 ^0.3.30
6.3K 1 tauri-plugin-updater ^0.3
6.3K 1 debounced ^0.3.25
6.2K 8 mdns ^0.3.1
6.1K 2 dioxus-fullstack ^0.3
6.1K 3 actix-web-extras ^0.3
5.8K 12 leptos-use ^0.3
17K 6 web3-async-native-tls optional ^0.3.1
5.5K nel ^0.3.17
5.5K chaindexing ^0.3
5.4K 4 k8-metadata-client ^0.3.21
5.4K 4 k8-client ^0.3.21
16K foundations optional ^0.3.28
5.2K 3 flv-tls-proxy ^0.3.5
5.2K cf-reqwest ^0.3.0
5.2K 1 iroh ^0.3
5.1K 5 round-based ^0.3
4.9K 5 openai ^0.3.28
4.9K tonic-tracing-opentelemetry ^0.3
4.9K httprouter ^0.3
4.9K 4 rattler_package_streaming ^0.3.30
4.7K arrow-udf-flight ^0.3
4.7K 12 iroh-net ^0.3.25
4.6K 1 couch_rs ^0.3
4.4K 9 warg-client ^0.3.30
4.2K 1 zenoh-link-ws ^0.3.25
12K 2 ewebsock optional ^0.3
12K 1 foundry-compilers optional ^0.3
4.2K 4 symsrv ^0.3.30
4.1K 1 dragonfly-client ^0.3.30
4.0K 7 async-utility ^0.3
4.0K 1 opentelemetry-spanprocessor-any ^0.3
3.9K foyer-workspace-hack ^0.3
3.9K 1 witchcraft-server ^0.3
3.8K 7 actix-web-static-files ^0.3
3.8K 1 prima_bridge ^0.3
3.7K orb-billing ^0.3.25
3.7K 1 async-wsocket ^0.3
3.7K 8 async-ssh2-lite ^0.3
3.7K 2 mediasan-common ^0.3.28
3.6K 5 async-graphql-poem ^0.3.30
3.6K 7 linemux ^0.3
3.6K mp4san ^0.3.28
3.6K 17 dioxus-desktop ^0.3
3.5K 8 tide-websockets ^0.3.15
3.5K 1 reqwest-impersonate ^0.3.0
3.4K 2 streamcatcher ^0.3
3.4K 5 rustyline-async ^0.3
3.3K 9 spl-token-client ^0.3
3.3K 3 mpart-async ^0.3
3.3K 14 flaky_test ^0.3
3.2K 9 twilight-gateway ^0.3
3.2K 7 bollard-next ^0.3
3.1K 1 yerpc ^0.3.21
3.1K 1 reqwest-websocket ^0.3
3.0K 2 snowstorm ^0.3
9.6K 8 rust_socketio optional ^0.3
2.9K rbw ^0.3.30
2.9K tokio-tasker ^0.3.17
2.9K 1 salvo-proxy ^0.3
8.9K 18 qdrant-client optional ^0.3.30
2.8K tide-openssl ^0.3
2.7K 2 rtic-time ^0.3.25
2.6K 7 dav-server ^0.3.16
2.6K 5 matrix-sdk-crypto ^0.3.26
2.6K dioxus-cli ^0.3
2.6K acpid_plug ^0.3.30
2.6K 1 tide-disco ^0.3.30
2.5K 5 matrix-sdk-common ^0.3.26
2.5K 1 kitsune_p2p_mdns ^0.3.1
8.2K 3 livekit-api optional ^0.3
2.5K 1 crux_http ^0.3
2.5K exc ^0.3.25
2.5K 3 hyper_imp ^0.3
2.5K 1 hydra ^0.3
2.5K 8 matrix-sdk-base ^0.3.26
2.5K 1 poem-grpc ^0.3.17
2.4K 28 matrix-sdk ^0.3.26
7.9K 5 minidump-unwind optional ^0.3.25
2.4K 4 broadcaster ^0.3.1
7.7K 2 opentelemetry-contrib optional ^0.3
2.3K 4 nacos-sdk ^0.3.28
2.3K 1 salvo-oapi ^0.3
2.2K 1 containers-image-proxy ^0.3.13
2.2K 23 gotham ^0.3.14
2.2K 22 irc ^0.3.30
7.1K rmesg optional ^0.3.19
2.2K 1 opentelemetry-stackdriver ^0.3
2.2K piscina ^0.3
2.1K 2 timely-master ^0.3
2.0K opentelemetry-datadog-cloudflare ^0.3
6.6K 16 gitlab optional ^0.3.14
2.0K minio-rsc ^0.3.5
1.9K 5 cln-rpc ^0.3
1.9K 7 hyper_wasi ^0.3
1.9K 3 ldap3_client ^0.3.21
1.9K 13 rbdc ^0.3.21
1.9K 2 h2_wasi ^0.3
1.8K 10 shiplift ^0.3
1.8K 6 streamunordered ^0.3.0
1.8K ostree-ext ^0.3.13
1.8K atuin ^0.3
1.7K 1 langchain-rust ^0.3.30
1.7K 8 fluvio-dataplane-protocol ^0.3.4
1.6K 7 sequoia-net ^0.3.5
1.6K hydra-websockets ^0.3
1.6K musicgpt ^0.3.30
1.6K rencfs ^0.3.30
1.5K 1 mas-http ^0.3.30
1.5K 1 mas-oidc-client ^0.3.30
1.5K 5 surrealml-core ^0.3.28
1.5K 1 salvo-http3 ^0.3
1.5K 2 minio ^0.3.28
1.5K 4 dominator ^0.3.0
1.5K 7 compio-runtime ^0.3.29
1.5K 1 atuin-server-postgres ^0.3
1.5K vmemcached ^0.3
1.5K 5 compio-io ^0.3.29
1.5K memorix-client-redis ^0.3.29
1.5K 8 stream_assert ^0.3.28
1.5K dioxus-web-component ^0.3.30
1.4K 6 reqwest-wasm ^0.3.0
1.4K teo ^0.3
1.4K lebai_sdk ^0.3
1.4K 5 fuse3 ^0.3.30
1.3K 11 reqwest_wasi ^0.3.0
1.3K 38 fedimint-core ^0.3.30
4.6K 3 y-sync optional ^0.3
1.3K 1 rapid-utils ^0.3.30
4.5K 7 rumqttd optional ^0.3.28
1.3K 3 catalytic ^0.3
1.3K esp-wifi ^0.3.30
1.3K grafana-plugin-sdk ^0.3.28
1.3K 1 picoserve ^0.3.28
1.3K 5 walker-common ^0.3
1.3K 1 axum-otel-metrics ^0.3.30
4.4K 11 bytelines optional ^0.3
1.3K 5 kble-socket ^0.3
1.2K tauri-driver ^0.3
1.2K 2 worterbuch-client ^0.3.27
1.2K 2 sos-sdk ^0.3
1.2K 3 twitch-irc ^0.3
1.2K 10 product-os-router ^0.3.29
1.2K metrics_cloudwatch ^0.3
1.2K pingap ^0.3.30
1.2K 12 timely ^0.3
4.1K 4 tame-gcs optional ^0.3
1.1K open-lark ^0.3.28
1.1K klickhouse ^0.3
1.1K 1 platter2 ^0.3.21
1.1K wsrx ^0.3
1.1K 1 salvo-compression ^0.3
1.1K wasmer-cli ^0.3
1.1K 2 timer-kit ^0.3
1.1K 1 beetle-bitswap-next ^0.3.28
1.1K 3 wholesym ^0.3.30
1.1K 25 smolscale ^0.3.25
1.1K mapped_futures ^0.3.28
1.1K axum-tungstenite ^0.3.25
1.1K 10 heim-common ^0.3
1.0K 2 fe2o3-amqp-ws ^0.3
1.0K bore-cli ^0.3.21
1.0K 11 lemmy_db_schema ^0.3.30
3.7K wasmer-deploy-cli optional ^0.3
1.0K 1 async-sqlite ^0.3.29
1.0K encrypted_fs ^0.3.30
1.0K changes-stream2 ^0.3
1.0K 1 v-common ^0.3.30
1.0K 2 rustis ^0.3
1.0K 2 search-provider ^0.3
1.0K chorus ^0.3.30
1.0K 2 clerk-rs ^0.3.28
1.0K 1 salvo-utils ^0.3
950 ibkr_client_portal ^0.3.30
950 otel-opamp-rs ^0.3.28
950 3 obws ^0.3.30
950 actix-request-hook ^0.3.7
950 evento ^0.3.30
900 3 ezsockets ^0.3.25
900 2 actix-form-data ^0.3.17
900 1 switchboard-utils ^0.3.28
900 crunchyroll-rs ^0.3
900 llama-core ^0.3
900 tokio-tongsuo ^0.3
900 6 rbdc-mysql ^0.3.21
3.2K 2 json-rules-engine-fork optional ^0.3
850 3 soroban-cli ^0.3.30
850 bob-nvim ^0.3.14
3.1K 4 fmmap optional ^0.3
850 cnctd_server ^0.3.30
850 2 calibright ^0.3
850 2 workflow-websocket ^0.3.29
850 helius ^0.3.30
850 4 tokio-compat ^0.3.1
850 actix-daemon-utils ~0.3
800 aichat ^0.3.29
800 liboxen ^0.3.21
800 1 potential ^0.3
800 glycin ^0.3.30
800 volo-http ^0.3
800 versatiles-lib ^0.3.30
800 axum-typed-websockets ^0.3
800 li-surf ^0.3.5
800 datafusion-server ^0.3.30
800 matrix-sdk-sled ^0.3.21
800 4 fluvio ^0.3.6
2.8K kubert optional ^0.3
750 2 pea2pea ^0.3
750 rnacos ^0.3.29
750 15 libunftp ^0.3.30
750 8 fluvio-socket ^0.3.6
750 hedera ^0.3.21
750 cloudformatious-cli ^0.3.24
750 1 iroh-docs ^0.3.25
750 2 phyllo ^0.3
750 golem-cli ^0.3.29
700 6 workflow-rpc ^0.3.29
700 trunk-ng ^0.3
700 remi-azure ^0.3.30
700 jetstream ^0.3.30
700 1 apollo-client ^0.3.15
700 actix-remote-ip ^0.3.28
700 aimo ^0.3.29
700 2 sqlx-core-oldapi ^0.3.19
700 tap_aggregator ^0.3.28
700 pg-trunk ^0.3.26
700 samply ^0.3
700 1 forky_ai ^0.3.28
700 1 mev-share-rpc-api ^0.3
650 4 product-os-http-body ^0.3.30
650 27 ockam_core ^0.3.30
650 redhac ^0.3
650 4 mqtt-async-client ^0.3.1
650 4 teo-runtime ^0.3
650 taskcluster-download ^0.3
650 1 matchbox_socket ^0.3
650 4 pavex ^0.3
650 1 grpcio-health ^0.3
650 nixpacks ^0.3.25
600 2 cw-orch-interchain-daemon ^0.3.28
600 h3-webtransport ^0.3
600 1 ic-oss ^0.3
600 decoyssh ^0.3.29
600 1 sylvia-iot-coremgr ^0.3.30
600 1 actix-web-validator5 ^0.3
600 sh4d0wup ^0.3.25
600 unofficial_appwrite ^0.3.30
550 tower-serve-static ^0.3
550 blutgang ^0.3.29
550 6 oas3 ^0.3
550 3 web-audio-api ^0.3.30
550 kodik-api ^0.3
2.2K 1 ratchet_core optional ^0.3.4
550 1 actix-protobuf ^0.3.7
550 ppaass-agent ^0
550 qsv ^0.3
550 sqlpage ^0.3.21
550 oxker ^0.3
550 rsbit ^0.3.30
500 7 buttplug ^0.3.30
500 xapi ^0.3
500 1 balter-runtime ^0.3.30
500 8 viz-core ^0.3
500 arrowbatch ^0.3.30
500 l3_extract ^0.3.30
500 2 gsdk ^0.3.30
500 8 melprot ^0.3.26
500 static-web-server ^0.3
500 1 actix-easy-multipart ^0.3.7
500 descord ^0.3.30
500 streamer ^0.3.21
500 2 podman-api ^0.3
500 1 appinsights ^0.3
490 silent ^0.3.30
490 tunein-cli ^0.3.26
490 remi-gridfs ^0.3.30
1.9K 10 tokio-util_wasi optional ^0.3.0
480 1 jarust ^0.3.29
480 tonic-middleware ^0.3.30
470 botapi ^0.3.30
470 2 multimint ^0.3.30
470 open62541 ^0.3.30
470 cch23-validator ^0.3.29
460 1 hyperliquid_rust_sdk ^0.3.28
460 4 tokio-dl-stream-to-disk ^0.3
1.8K 3 cyfrin-foundry-compilers optional ^0.3
450 azeventhubs ^0.3
450 spamassassin-milter ^0.3.30
450 1 lune ^0.3
440 2 ckb-rpc ^0.3.21
440 ockam_transport_websocket ^0.3
440 direct-share ^0.3
440 1 ws-mock ^0.3.30
440 cp-microservice ^0.3
440 source_ss ^0.3.21
430 ockam_transport_udp ^0.3
430 viam-rust-utils ^0.3
430 1 viam-mdns ^0.3.1
420 product-os-http-body-util ^0.3.14
420 15 miraland-streamer ^0.3.29
1.7K jmap-client optional ^0.3
420 1 fluvio-stream-dispatcher ^0.3.6
420 gmqtt-client ^0.3
420 tauri-plugin-websocket ^0.3
410 hyper-http-proxy ^0.3
410 stream-utils ^0.3
410 actix-4-jwt-auth ^0.3.30
410 axum-token-auth ^0.3.30
410 dufs ^0.3
410 ply_tokio_redis_mongodb ^0.3
410 tauri-plugin-upload ^0.3
410 16 prometheus-endpoint ^0.3.1
410 automc ^0.3.30
400 apollo-gateway-rs ^0.3
400 6 melnet2 ^0.3.25
400 wkg ^0.3.29
400 19 miraland-client ^0.3.29
400 1 ydb ^0.3
400 1 notan_web ^0.3.28
400 aardvark-dns ^0.3.30
390 3 htsget-search ^0.3
390 1 showdown ^0.3.0
390 netavark ^0.3.30
380 1 wasm-pkg-loader ^0.3.29
380 tui-journal ^0.3
380 dccmd-rs ^0.3
380 actix-web-middleware-keycloak-auth ^0.3.29
380 5 miraland-connection-cache ^0.3.29
380 1 netlify_lambda ^0.3.8
370 2 portfu_core ^0.3.30
370 overtls ^0.3
370 2 async-std-openssl ^0.3
370 azservicebus ^0.3
370 htsget-actix ^0.3
360 2 platter ^0.3.0
360 viz-test ^0.3
360 4 wasmer-registry ^0.3.25
360 3 jarust_rt ^0.3.29
360 1 pallas-rolldb ^0.3.28
360 12 wasmrs-rx ^0.3
360 2 simple-websockets ^0.3
350 ruchei ^0.3.30
350 1 veilid_duplex ^0.3.28
350 4 miraland-pubsub-client ^0.3.29
350 ya-utils-process ^0.3.4
350 1 jarust_transport ^0.3.29
350 26 kaspa-core ^0.3.29
350 pixrs ^0.3
350 portfu ^0.3.30
350 thru ^0.3.30
350 12 wasmrs ^0.3
340 9 miraland-tpu-client ^0.3.29
340 1 httpwg ^0.3.30
330 dcl-rpc ^0.3
330 29 kaspa-consensus-core ^0.3.29
330 6 wasmrs-runtime ^0.3
330 kraken-async-rs ^0.3.30
330 r3bl_terminal_async ^0.3.30
330 2 tgbot ^0.3
330 1 longport-httpcli ^0.3.21
320 1 chik-client ^0.3.28
320 3 sosistab ^0.3.25
320 3 trillium-websockets ^0.3.30
320 1 beetswap ^0.3
320 hop-cli ^0.3
320 1 longport-wscli ^0.3.21
1.4K 1 zipit optional ^0.3
310 ajars_actix_web ^0.3
310 3 chia-client ^0.3.28
310 1 gotham_middleware_diesel ^0.3.14
310 longport ^0.3.21
310 3 rs1090 ^0.3.30
310 nostro2 ^0.3.28
310 encryptedfs ^0.3.30
310 rsiot-redis-subscriber ^0.3.29
310 tokio-nats ^0.3.1
310 warg-loader ^0.3.29
1.4K 2 dencode optional ^0.3
300 2 coinbase-pro-rs ^0.3.8
300 5 product-os-async-executor ^0.3.29
300 fedimint-clientd ^0.3.30
300 1 free_log_client ^0.3.30
300 2 rbdc-sqlite ^0.3.19
300 ic-oss-cli ^0.3
300 tnnl ^0.3.29
300 3 quilt-rs ^0.3.30
300 gnostr-relay ^0.3
300 sos-migrate ^0.3
290 fusen-rs ^0
290 1 twilight-lavalink ^0.3
290 2 chia-sdk-test ^0.3.30
290 1 roslibrust ^0.3
290 wasmo ^0.3.28
290 1 veilid-async-tungstenite ^0.3
290 jay-compositor ^0.3.30
290 1 libprotonup ^0.3
280 1 grammers-mtsender ^0.3.15
280 2 bitar ^0.3
280 hiramu-cli ^0.3.30
280 10 rune ^0.3.28
280 2 wasmrs-guest ^0.3
280 jet1090 ^0.3.30
280 melwallet-cli ^0.3.28
280 redirectionio ^0.3.21
280 2 reduct-rs ^0.3.28
1.3K 1 form-data optional ^0.3
270 3 bolt-proto ^0.3.0
270 skywalking ^0.3.21
270 forest-filecoin ^0.3
270 teemo ^0.3.29
270 airshipper ^0.3.15
270 3 grammers-client ^0.3.15
270 http-diff ^0.3
270 2 mongodb-cursor-pagination ^0.3.26
260 and-then-concurrent ^0.3
260 argan ^0.3
1.3K wasmer-edge-cli optional ^0.3
260 2 withfd ^0.3.0
260 13 kaspa-notify ^0.3.29
260 nostr-sdk-net ^0.3
260 decode1090 ^0.3.30
260 5 megalodon >=0.3.30
260 2 blinds ^0.3.1
260 5 bolt-client ^0.3.0
260 3 rbdc-pg ^0.3.21
250 2 etwin_squirrel ^0.3.27
250 steam-vent ^0.3.30
250 sshx-server ^0.3.28
250 2 gibbername ^0.3.26
250 1 livekit ^0.3
250 RustGLM ^0.3.30
250 synd-term ^0.3.30
250 2 tdn ^0.3
1.2K 1 vkclient optional ^0.3
240 5 sosistab2 ^0.3.25
240 2 ethers-flashbots ^0.3
240 3 yb-tokio-postgres ^0.3
240 espionox ^0.3.28
240 1 kassandra ^0.3.28
240 tokio-tungstenite-typed ^0.3
240 krill ^0.3
240 1 pingora-boringssl ^0.3
240 intiface-engine ^0.3.30
240 zero4rs ^0.3.30
1.2K iroh-sync optional ^0.3.25
230 20 actori-service ^0.3.1
230 1 jib ^0.3.30
230 4 carapax ^0.3
230 1 stateroom-server ^0.3.30
230 1 hrpc ^0.3
220 2 yb-postgres ^0.3.14
220 azure-cognitive-speech-services ^0.3
1.1K 1 nostr_rust optional ^0.3
220 17 scrappy-service ^0.3.1
220 protonup-rs ^0.3
210 gsutil ^0.3
210 haxeget ^0.3.29
210 netsblox-cli ^0.3.19
210 17 requiem-service ^0.3.1
210 tower-otel-http-metrics ^0.3
210 pangaea ^0.3.30
210 1 wrangler ^0.3
210 2 async-graphql-tide ^0.3.30
210 2 bevy_quinnet ^0.3.24
210 3 geph4-protocol ^0.3.24
210 1 mobc-forked ^0.3
1.1K antimatter optional ^0.3
1.1K 1 dioxus-sdk optional ^0.3.28
210 mongodm ^0.3
210 rxqlite ^0.3
200 sys-kaleido ^0.3.30
200 portier_broker ^0.3.16
200 6 ts_opentelemetry_api ^0.3
200 libertyos_kernel ^0.3.4
200 1 tosho-sjv ^0.3
200 cli-autoupdate ^0.3.30
200 1 tosho-kmkc ^0.3
200 azure-speech ^0.3.30
1.1K jsonrpsee-utils optional ^0.3.14
200 1 tosho-amap ^0.3
190 cringecast ^0.3.30
1.1K 1 jsonrpc-utils optional ^0.3.21
190 1 libflatterer ^0.3.27
190 multipart-rs ^0.3.30
190 sqlx-exasol ^0.3.30
190 svc-rumq-client ^0.3
190 1 tosho-rbean ^0.3
190 firebase-rs ^0.3.28
190 1 tosho-musq ^0.3
190 8 linera-alloy-transport ^0.3
190 svc-nats-client ^0.3.28
190 3 waffles-solana-pubsub-client ^0.3.26
190 2 lamedh_runtime ^0.3.8
190 ng-async-tungstenite ^0.3
190 rest-json-client ^0.3
190 indexed-db ^0.3.30
190 1 linera-alloy-contract ^0.3
190 validr ^0.3.5
180 aspartam ^0.3
180 2 snowchains_core ^0.3.19
180 gotham_formdata ^0.3.15
180 rapid-web ^0.3.26
180 1 tosho-mplus ^0.3
180 2 fedimint-cln-rpc ^0.3
180 minint ^0.3.30
180 1 aldrin-broker ^0.3.29
180 3 redis-swapplex ^0.3
180 1 veilid-tools ^0.3.29
180 1 aldrin ^0.3.29
180 2 sosistab2-obfstls ^0.3.28
180 11 waffles-solana-tpu-client ^0.3.26
180 4 veilid-core ^0.3.29
170 dlm ^0.3.30
170 1 openstack_sdk ^0.3
170 1 rustwide ^0.3.5
170 aldrin-test ^0.3.29
170 fluke ^0.3.30
170 matic-portal-client ^0.3.28
170 wild-doc-webserver ^0.3.29
170 2 zebra-consensus ^0.3.28
170 axum-strangler ^0.3.21
170 1 futures-util-io-peek ^0.3
170 hardlight ^0.3
170 5 waffles-solana-connection-cache ^0.3.26
170 meshtastic ^0.3.28
170 mollysocket ^0.3
170 ofs ^0.3.30
170 4 upnp-client ^0.3.25
170 1 dav-server-opendalfs ^0.3.16
170 1 feature-probe-server-sdk ^0.3
170 cargo-docs ^0.3
170 object_store_opendal ^0.3
170 2 synd-feed ^0.3.30
170 8 agnostic-lite ^0.3
170 dtn7 ^0.3.21
170 1 hyper-proxy2 ^0.3.30
170 s3-simple ^0.3.30
160 1 forged ^0.3
160 web-terminal ^0.3.30
160 1 chitey-server ^0.3
160 pijul-remote ^0.3
160 1 teo-mongodb-connector ^0.3
160 steady_state ^0.3.30
160 talecast ^0.3.30
160 transportal ^0.3.30
160 tracing-newrelic ^0.3
160 trustblock-cli ^0.3.17
160 nu_plugin_dns ^0.3.30
160 solarsail ^0.3
160 lonelyradio ^0.3.30
160 2 zebra-grpc ^0.3.28
160 1 hybrid-api ^0.3.30
160 1 lune-std-net ^0.3
160 1 earendil ^0.3.28
160 mcsdk ^0.3.30
150 actix-web-pagination ^0.3
150 asciinema ^0.3.30
150 3 freya-components ^0.3.30
150 1 modio ^0.3.14
150 9 actori-http ^0.3.1
150 faucet-server ^0.3.30
950 1 sophia_resource optional ^0.3.28
150 plane ^0.3.29
150 cargo-fixture ^0.3.29
150 3 spacegate-kernel ^0
150 2 jay-config ^0.3.30
150 actix_block_ai_crawling ^0.3.29
150 hyperliquid ^0.3.28
150 waaaa ^0.3.30
150 10 waffles-solana-streamer ^0.3.26
150 1 plctag-async ^0.3
150 modbot ^0.3
150 xrpl_ws_client ^0.3
140 loginmanager ^0.3
140 fishnet ^0.3
140 simplews ^0.3.29
140 1 spacegate-shell ^0
140 1 vsmtp-server ^0.3.27
140 1 argan-core ^0.3
140 gotham_restful ^0.3.19
140 humble-cli ^0.3
140 kaivm ^0.3.30
140 1 spacegate-config ^0
140 1 spacegate-plugin ^0
140 synd-api ^0.3.30
140 hyperfs ^0.3
140 1 stream-deck-plugin ^0.3.30
140 labt ^0.3.30
140 smoldot-full-node ^0.3.27
140 mqtt-client-cli ^0.3.30
140 actix-web-jwt ^0.3.28
140 generic-db-observer ^0.3.28
140 tw-api ^0
140 actix-treblle ^0.3.21
140 melnode ^0.3.27
140 4 xtra ^0.3.21
140 arduino-plotter ^0.3
140 busd ^0.3.30
140 flash_rust_ws ^0.3
130 discretionary_engine ^0.3.30
130 hickory-dns ^0.3.5
130 1 linera-alloy-signer-ledger ^0.3
130 1 tower-reqwest ^0.3
130 trawler ^0.3.0
130 2 freya-renderer ^0.3.30
130 league-client ^0.3.30
130 1 twilight-standby ^0.3
130 rebuilderd-worker ^0.3.21
130 7 waffles-solana-client ^0.3.26
130 bili ^0.3.30
130 docker-container-log-streamer ^0.3.30
130 1 safecoin-streamer ^0.3.21
130 brainrot ^0.3
130 3 rusty_tarantool ^0.3
130 memphis-rust-community ^0.3.28
130 rusty-penguin ^0.3
130 5 noosphere-common ^0.3
130 1 vegafusion-runtime ^0.3.21
130 piow ^0.3
130 trillium-channels ^0.3.30
120 fetchy-pkgs ^0.3.28
120 erc20_payment_lib_test ^0.3
120 hass-rs ^0.3.30
120 opentelemetry-zpages ^0.3
120 2 xxai-tokio-postgres ^0.3
120 quickie ^0.3
120 vertx-http-gateway-rust-connector ^0.3.30
120 chnroutes ^0.3.30
850 9 notan_app optional ^0.3.28
120 8 scrappy-http ^0.3.1
120 tower-default-headers ^0.3
120 1 webrtc-unreliable ^0.3
120 bookstore ^0.3
120 hyperdriver ^0.3
120 kassandra-tester ^0.3.28
120 price-adapter ^0.3.29
6.4M 455 tokio-rustls dev ^0.3.1
3.0M 531 async-stream dev ^0.3
3.0M 1 async-stream-impl dev ^0.3
2.4M 345 http-body-util dev ^0.3.14
1.2M 630 aws-config dev ^0.3.29
1.0M 127 aws-sdk-s3 dev ^0.3.25
1.3M 26 aws-sdk-sts dev ^0.3.25
1.3M 441 aws-smithy-http dev ^0.3.29
1.2M 60 inotify dev ^0.3.1
1.2M 85 opentelemetry-otlp dev ^0.3
910K 146 actix-http dev ^0.3.17
819K 403 aws-smithy-runtime dev ^0.3.29
815K 395 aws-runtime dev ^0.3.29
810K 57 gloo-timers dev ^0.3
676K 708 tokio-test dev ^0.3.0
654K 38 async-broadcast dev ^0.3.21
620K 50 send_wrapper dev ^0.3
617K 5 zbus_macros dev ^0.3.30
601K 74 web-time dev ^0.3
518K 2 ordered-stream dev ^0.3.25
441K 75 wayland-client dev ^0.3
425K 10 prodash dev ^0.3.4
421K 7 opentelemetry-datadog dev ^0.3
347K 122 loom dev ^0.3.0
288K 72 attohttpc dev ^0.3.23
253K 32 futures-rustls dev ^0.3.1
228K 1 jsonrpsee-proc-macros dev ^0.3.14
208K 14 actix-tls dev ^0.3.17
185K 43 aws-sdk-dynamodb dev ^0.3.25
168K 20 stream-cancel dev ^0.3.0
165K 40 deadpool-postgres dev ^0.3.30
129K 4 spl-tlv-account-resolution dev ^0.3
106K 21 aws-sdk-kms dev ^0.3.25
81K 16 ogg dev ^0.3
81K 44 gstreamer-app dev ^0.3
79K 20 aws-sdk-ec2 dev ^0.3.25
61K 9 aws-sdk-lambda dev ^0.3.25
59K 34 async-tls dev ^0.3.5
52K 19 bb8-redis dev ^0.3.15
45K 8 async-rustls dev ^0.3.1
43K 1 gtk4-macros dev ^0.3
41K 7 google-cloud-pubsub dev ^0.3
39K 6 opentelemetry-zipkin dev ^0.3
33K 21 paho-mqtt dev ^0.3
32K 15 async-timer dev ^0.3.0
32K 4 futures-enum dev ^0.3
28K 1 abort-on-drop dev ^0
27K 2 async-condvar-fair dev ^0.3
28K 4 openssh-sftp-client dev ^0.3.28
27K 22 bb8-postgres dev ^0.3.2
27K 8 hyper-multipart-rfc7578 dev ^0.3
27K 1 hyper-unix-connector dev ^0.3
25K 25 socketcan dev ^0.3
24K 8 aws-sdk-iam dev ^0.3.25
21K 1 zenoh-transport dev ^0.3.25
19K 9 futures-async-stream dev ^0.3
18K 90 dioxus dev ^0.3
15K 4 tachyonix dev ^0.3
14K 3 thingbuf dev ^0.3
14K 2 http-body-to-bytes dev ^0.3
11K tower-retry dev ^0.3
11K 3 tower-load dev ^0.3
8.8K 1 aws-sdk-transcribestreaming dev ^0.3.25
8.2K 1 countio dev ^0.3.30
8.1K rw-aws-sdk-ec2 dev ^0.3.25
7.6K 2 reblessive dev ^0.3.30
7.3K 4 transform-stream dev ^0.3.26
7.1K 1 bmrng dev ^0.3
7.0K 25 rspotify dev ^0.3.17
6.4K 12 ntex-util dev ^0.3
6.1K 6 tokio-graceful-shutdown dev >=0.3.16
5.9K 44 ntex dev ^0.3
5.6K 5 eyeball dev ^0.3.26
5.3K 3 async-codec-lite dev ^0.3
5.3K 3 kittycad dev ^0.3.26
4.9K 1 aws-sdk-polly dev ^0.3.25
4.2K 4 tokio-websockets dev ^0.3.14
3.9K 1 async-speed-limit dev ^0.3.1
3.8K 4 tokio-socketcan dev ^0.3
3.6K 2 eyeball-im-util dev ^0.3.26
3.5K 3 async-signals dev ^0.3
3.4K 1 async-rx dev ^0.3.28
2.6K 10 ecies dev ^0.3.30
2.3K 1 qcs-api-client-grpc dev ^0.3.25
2.3K 9 pingora-proxy dev ^0.3
2.3K 2 ldap3_proto dev ^0.3.21
2.2K 3 axum-server-dual-protocol dev ^0.3
2.0K 2 prometheus-hyper dev ^0.3.12
1.8K async-nats-tokio-rustls-deps dev ^0.3.1
1.8K 2 wait-for-me dev ^0.3.29
1.7K 5 async-notify dev ^0.3
1.4K 3 compio-net dev ^0.3.29
1.4K 2 controller dev ^0.3
1.4K 1 compio-fs dev ^0.3.29
1.4K aws-sdk-qldbsession dev ^0.3.25
1.4K 5 compio dev ^0.3.29
1.4K 1 multiparty dev ^0.3
1.3K 1 tokio-rustls-wasi dev ^0.3.1
1.3K 3 axum-yaml dev ^0.3
1.2K 1 iroh-bytes dev ^0.3.30
1.0K 3 iroh-blobs dev ^0.3.30
1.0K 5 stedi-sdk-config dev ^0.3.28
950 aws-sdk-timestreamquery dev ^0.3.25
950 1 tokio-udev dev ^0.3
900 4 fluvio-spu-schema dev ^0.3.6
800 bb8-redis-cluster dev ^0.3.15
750 aws-sdk-s3control dev ^0.3.25
650 fauxgen dev ^0.3.28
600 1 aws-sdk-glacier dev ^0.3.25
550 2 solarti-tlv-account-resolution dev ^0.3
550 aws-sdk-codecatalyst dev ^0.3.25
550 stablebond-sdk dev ^0.3.30
500 1 tokio-shutdown dev ^0.3.28
500 1 dynamic-graphql-derive dev ^0.3
500 1 clust dev ^0.3.30
500 sentry-contrib-native dev ^0.3
490 woab dev ^0.3.23
460 2 edgedb-tokio dev ^0.3.21
460 tokio-postgres-extractor dev ^0.3.28
440 1 xitca-web dev ^0.3
400 30 kaspa-utils dev ^0.3.29
310 2 veilid-async-tls dev ^0.3.5
280 reqwless dev ^0.3
260 lastfm dev ^0.3.26
260 2 datachannel dev ^0.3
250 2 acme2-eab dev ^0.3.30
240 async-prost dev ^0.3.21
230 20 pi-async-rt dev ^0.3
220 2 rustainers dev ^0.3.28
210 11 aqueue dev ^0.3
210 2 stream-future dev ^0.3
210 async-gen dev ^0.3
200 axiom-rs dev ^0.3
190 chipp_http dev ^0.3
190 3 linera-alloy-rpc-client dev ^0.3
180 1 rumqttlog dev ^0.3.5
170 fluvio-async-tls dev ^0.3.5
170 apalis-amqp dev ^0.3
160 assert-unmoved dev ^0.3
150 stream-tls-client_hello-detector dev ^0.3
140 paho-mqtt-zaack dev ^0.3
140 asynchronix dev ^0.3
140 datadog-api-client dev ^0.3.30
130 4 axum-msgpack dev ^0.3
120 front-api dev ^0.3.21
120 3 fog-pack dev ^0.3