#command-line-utilities #unix #philosophy

app extra-utils

Set of additional command line utilities

9 releases (1 stable)

1.0.0 Oct 15, 2020
0.5.2 Jul 25, 2019
0.4.1 Jun 6, 2019
0.3.0 Jun 6, 2019
0.1.0 Jun 4, 2019

#108 in #command-line-utilities

29 downloads per month

MIT license

223 lines

extra-utils crates.io

This repository contains some handy command line utilities that aren't included in the GNU coreutils. They follow the UNIX philosophy.

A lot of the tools here already exist in other languages/packages. The purpose of this project is more for fun/learning than it is for actual innovation or utility.


cargo install extra-utils



A simple HTTP server that serves a static folder

Usage: se [port] [folder]

The default port is 3000 and the default folder is . (current folder)

If only one argument is provided, its purpose will be inferred:

se build

will serve the "build" folder on port 3000 and:

se 8080

will serve the current folder on port 8080.

If the requested file doesn't exist, se will attempt to fallback to {folder}/404.html. Failing that, it will return HTTP 404 with an empty body.


Prepend a timestamp to each line in STDIN

Usage: your_command | ts [format]

The default format is "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"


Select the nth line(s) from STDIN

Usage: your_command | nth <start> [end]

Where start is the starting line to print, and end is the optional end index to print. If end is omitted or is less than start, only the start'th line will be printed


Prepend line line numbers to STDIN

Usage: your_command | nr [minwidth] [offset]

minwidth is the minimum width of the number column. Default: 0

offset is the starting index of the line numbers. Default: 1


~102K SLoC