Cargo Features

espflash = { version = "3.1.0", default-features = false, features = ["cli", "serialport"] }
default = cli

The cli feature is set by default whenever espflash is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

cli default = serialport

Enables parse_int, toml, and update-informer, fancy of miette and addr2line ^0.22.0, clap, clap_complete, comfy-table, crossterm, and ctrlc


0.26.x and 0.27.x causes issues on Windows

and defmt-decoder, defmt-parser, dialoguer, directories, env_logger, hex, indicatif, and lazy_static


defmt dependencies are pinned since defmt does not guarantee MSRV even for patch releases

Affects espflash::cli, espflash::logging, espflash::update

Required by the binary

serialport cli

enables connecting to a device via serial port

Enables regex, serialport, slip-codec, and toml

Affects error::TimedOutCommand, error::RomErrorKind, error::RomError, flasher::Flasher, espflash::command, espflash::connection, targets::ReadEFuse.read_efuse, targets::Target.chip_features, targets::Target.chip_revision, targets::Target.major_chip_version, targets::Target.minor_chip_version, targets::Target.crystal_freq, targets::Target.flash_write_size, targets::Target.mac_address, targets::Target.max_ram_block_size

Required by the binary