3 releases

0.1.2 Jun 15, 2021
0.1.1 Jun 11, 2021
0.1.0 Jun 10, 2021

#318 in Machine learning

37 downloads per month

MIT license

457 lines

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Deep Thought

This crate implements feedforward-neural Networks in rust.

A basix XOR training example might look like this:

fn main() -> Result<()>{
    // Build the input and label arrays
    let inputs = array![[0., 0.], [0., 1.], [1., 0.], [1., 1.],];
    let labels = array![[0.], [1.], [1.], [0.]];

    let dataset = Dataset::new(inputs, labels, 1., BatchSize::One)?;
    let loss_fn = Loss::MSE;

    // Build the neural net
    let mut net = NeuralNetwork::new()
        .add_layer(Layer::new(2, 3).activation(Activation::Sigmoid))
        .add_layer(Layer::new(3, 3).activation(Activation::Sigmoid))
        .add_layer(Layer::new(3, 1).activation(Activation::Sigmoid));

    let mut optim = SGD::new(&net).learning_rate(0.3).momentum(0.1);

    // train the network
    for epoch in 0..11000 {
        for (samples, labels) in dataset.iter_train() {
            let _out = net.forward(&samples);
            if epoch % 100 == 0 {
                println!("training epoch {}", epoch);
                    "  Loss: {}\n",
                    &loss_fn.compute(&_out, &labels).mean().unwrap()
            net.backprop(samples, labels, &loss_fn, &mut optim);

    // evaluate the net
    let mut total_loss: f64 = 0.;
    // should ofc be iter_test but this dataset is kinda minimalistic
    let test_iter = dataset.iter_train();
    let num_test_samples = test_iter.num_batches * test_iter.batch_size;
    for (sample, label) in test_iter {
        let out = net.forward(&sample);
        total_loss += loss_fn.compute(&out, &label).sum();
        println!("{} == {}", out.map(|&x| x.round()), label);

        "Mean loss over {} test samples: {:.2}",
        total_loss / num_test_samples as f64

For more usage examples, please take a look at /examples


  • Linear Layers
  • Common Activation functions like ReLU or Sigmoid
  • Optional Serialization/Deserialization support via the serde feature


  • Add decreasing learning rate (probably also easy)
  • add CNN's

Find a array crate which satisfies the following conditions:

  • Support basic stuff like max and argmax. I don't care that f64 doesn't implement Ord
  • easier api than ndarray
  • basically numpy but in rust and would be nice if gpu (:

Additional Ressources

Some stuff i found to be quite helpful if you are interested in understanding the math behind neural networks


~70K SLoC