Cargo Features

common_x = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false, features = ["full", "graceful", "tls", "config", "file", "hasher", "log", "mailer", "rand", "restful", "ron", "signal", "toml", "time"] }
default = full

The full feature is set by default whenever common_x is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

full default = config, file, graceful, hasher, log, mailer, rand, restful, ron, signal, time, tls, toml
graceful full

Enables flume

Affects common_x::graceful_shutdown

tls full = file

Enables rcgen, rustls, rustls-pemfile, and rustls-webpki

Affects common_x::tls

config full

Enables async-trait, config, notify, parking_lot, and reqwest

Affects common_x::configure

file full tls?

Enables tokio

Affects common_x::file

hasher full

Enables blake3

Affects common_x::hasher

log full

Enables chrono, tracing-appender, and tracing-subscriber

Affects common_x::log

mailer full

Enables lettre

Affects common_x::mailer

rand full

Enables rand and rand_chacha

Affects common_x::rand

restful full

Enables salvo ^0.67, serde_json, and tokio

Affects common_x::restful

ron full

Enables ron

Affects common_x::ron

signal full

Enables tokio

Affects common_x::signal

toml full

Enables toml

Affects common_x::toml

time full

Enables chrono

Affects common_x::time