Cargo Features

busrt has no features set by default.

busrt = { version = "0.4.10", features = ["full", "server", "broker", "ipc", "rpc", "cli", "openssl-vendored", "cursors", "std-alloc", "tracing", "sqlx", "futures"] }
full = broker, ipc, rpc
server = broker, chrono, clap, colored, fork, jemallocator, lazy_static, log, syslog

Required by the busrtd binary

broker full? server? = async-trait, ipnetwork, log, nix, parking_lot, submap, triggered, unix-named-pipe

Affects common::now_ns, busrt::broker, busrt::comm, busrt::tools.pubsub, busrt::client

ipc cli? full? = async-trait, log

Affects busrt::ipc, busrt::comm, busrt::tools.pubsub, busrt::client

rpc cli? cursors? full? = async-trait, log, parking_lot, regex, rmp-serde, serde, serde-value, tokio-task-pool

Affects common::str_to_params_map, busrt::rpc, busrt::tools.pubsub, busrt::client

cli = atty, bma-benchmark, clap, colored, env_logger, hex, hostname, ipc, jemallocator, num-format, prettytable-rs, rpc, serde_json

Required by the binary


Enables openssl-vendored of submap ^0.2.8

cursors = rpc, uuid

Affects busrt::cursors

tracing = console-subscriber

Enables tracing of tokio

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

log broker? ipc? rpc? server?
syslog server?

Enables syslog ^5.0.0

chrono server?
colored cli? server?
clap cli? server?

Enables clap ^3.0.7

submap broker? openssl-vendored?

Enables submap ^0.2.8

lazy_static server?
jemallocator cli? server?
fork server?
rmp-serde rpc?
serde rpc?
async-trait broker? ipc? rpc?
unix-named-pipe broker?
serde_json cli?
bma-benchmark cli?

Enables bma-benchmark ^0.0.20

prettytable-rs cli?
env_logger cli?

Enables env_logger ^0.9.0

hostname cli?

Enables hostname ^0.3.1

hex cli?
num-format cli?
serde-value rpc?
atty cli?
nix broker?

Enables nix ^0.25.0

ipnetwork broker?
triggered broker?
parking_lot broker? rpc?
console-subscriber tracing?

Enables console-subscriber ^0.1.7

uuid cursors?
sqlx implicit feature

Enables sqlx ^0.6.2

futures implicit feature
regex rpc?
tokio-task-pool rpc?