#framework #brb #operation #safe #forum #at2 #brb-data-type


An implementation of AT2 as a BRBDataType inside the BRB framework

8 stable releases

1.0.8 Jun 14, 2021
1.0.7 May 31, 2021
1.0.6 Mar 3, 2021
1.0.5 Feb 25, 2021
1.0.2 Jan 26, 2021

#18 in #forum

MIT OR BSD-3-Clause

182 lines


MaidSafe website Safe Network Forum


An implementation of AT2 as a BRBDataType inside the BRB framework

This enables AT2 operations to be transmitted in a BFT manner using Byzantine Reliable Broadcast.

Please see the brb crate.


This Safe Network software is dual-licensed under the Modified BSD ( https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) or the MIT license ( https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option.


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~231K SLoC