Cargo Features

boreal-cli = { version = "0.8.0", default-features = false, features = ["authenticode", "authenticode-verify", "memmap", "profiling"] }
default = authenticode, memmap, profiling

These default features are set whenever boreal-cli is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

authenticode default

Enable authenticode parsing in boreal, requires OpenSSL

Enables authenticode of boreal


Enables authenticode-verify of boreal


Enables the "pe.is_signed", "pe.signatures[*].verified" and "pe.signatures[*].countersignatures[*].verified" module fields.

memmap default

Enable use of memory maps to load files to scan.

Enables memmap of boreal

profiling default

Enables scan statistics. Should not impact performances significantly, and very useful in a CLI tool to debug rules.

Enables profiling of boreal