Cargo Features

blazesym = { version = "0.2.0-alpha.12", default-features = false, features = ["apk", "backtrace", "breakpad", "demangle", "dwarf", "gsym", "zlib", "zstd", "generate-unit-test-files", "generate-large-test-files", "dont-generate-unit-test-files", "nightly", "tracing"] }
default = backtrace, demangle, dwarf, zlib

These default features are set whenever blazesym is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Enable this feature to enable APK support (mostly relevant for Android).

Affects symbolizer::ApkMemberInfo, symbolizer::ApkDispatch

backtrace default

Enable this feature to compile in support for capturing backtraces in errors.
Note that by default backtraces will not be collected unless opted in with environment variables.


Enable this feature to enable Breakpad support.

Enables nom

demangle default

Enable this feature to get transparent symbol demangling.

Enables cpp_demangle and rustc-demangle

dwarf default

Enable this feature to enable DWARF support.

Enables gimli ^0.29


Enable this feature to enable Gsym support.

zlib default

Enable this feature to enable support for zlib decompression. This is currently only used for handling compressed debug information.

Enables miniz_oxide


Enable this feature to enable support for zstd decompression. This is currently only used for handling compressed debug information.

Enables zstd

generate-unit-test-files = dump_syms, xz2, zip

Below here are dev-mostly features that should not be needed by regular users.

Enable this feature to opt in to the generation of unit test files.
Having these test files created is necessary for running tests.

generate-large-test-files = dump_syms, reqwest, xz2

Enable this feature to opt in to the generation of large benchmark files (also used for regression testing).


Disable generation of test files. This feature takes preference over generate-unit-test-files.


Enable code paths requiring a nightly toolchain. This feature is only meant to be used for testing and benchmarking purposes, not for the core library, which is expected to work on stable.

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

tracing implicit feature

Enables tracing


Application-level tracing for Rust

dump_syms build generate-large-test-files? generate-unit-test-files?
reqwest build generate-large-test-files?
xz2 build generate-large-test-files? generate-unit-test-files?
zip build generate-unit-test-files?

Enables zip ^1.1.2