#command-line-tool #pastebin #best #world #utility #api-key #pastery

app bakeit

BakeIt is a command line utility for Pastery, the best pastebin in the world

2 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.1 Jul 1, 2016
0.1.0 Jun 30, 2016

#21 in #best

MIT license

180 lines


BakeIt is a command line utility to Pastery, the best pastebin in the world. BakeIt aims to be simple to use and unobtrusive.


To install, download a zip file from releases and extract it somewhere in your PATH.

You are done!


Using BakeIt is similarly easy. First, create a file with your Pastery API key in ~/.config/bakeit.cfg, like so:

api_key = eisha8ahqui7Aesh0fasyu8HFsdo

Then, just pass the file you want to upload to the bakeit command:

$ bakeit myfile.txt
Paste URL: https://www.pastery.net/oniasd/

You can also pipe stuff to it:

$ cat myfile.txt | grep hello | bakeit
Paste URL: https://www.pastery.net/oxczvs/

The config file

A full config file can look like this:

api_key = eisha8ahqui7Aesh0fasyu8HFsdo

The api_key parameter, as explained above, is mandatory. You can find it at the bottom of your Pastery account page.

Happy pasting!


~449K SLoC